
  • Special Needs

    Travel Because rabbits are more often prey than predator in the wild, they experience a great deal of stress whenever their environment changes. Traveling is stressful for rabbits and should generally be avoided. However, when you do need to travel with your rabbit, remember that you still need to be

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  • Stages of Life

    Like people, dogs behaviors and health change through different stages of their lives. By knowing what to expect, you won't be thrown off balance when your dog suddenly adopts a unexpected behavior or shows signs of "unlearning" behaviors you thought it had mastered. Puppies Adolescence Old Age

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  • Types of Birds

    Color. Song. Playfulness. These are some of the reasons people choose birds for pets. Birds don't take up a lot of space and they are very social creatures. Pet birds fall into two categories: the parrot-types and the non-parrot species. Parrots are characterized by a curved shape of their beaks. They

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  • Types of Reptiles

    Reptiles and amphibians together are known as herptiles. These animals are grouped together because they are ectothermic, which means that they cannot regulate their body temperature internally, but must use their environments to control temperature. Common temperature-regulating activities include basking

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Sample Vet Clinic


3010 Highland Parkway
Downers Grove, IL 60515