
  • Physical and Mental Stimulation

    Daily Exercise Activity is a vital part of keeping a rabbit happy and healthy. Your rabbit will need time to roam outside of its cage for a few hours every day. There needs to be enough space for the bunny to hop, jump and run. You can place some toys or digging materials in the exercise space to encourage

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  • Reptile Glossary

    Amphibian - Cold-blooded vertebrates that live in water and on land, including frogs and toads, salamanders and newts and caecilians. Anthropod - A group of limbed and jointed animals that have external skeletons, including insects, arachnids and crustaceans. Aquatic - Animals living in water. Arachnid

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  • Socialization

    Cats are easily stressed, which is why they depend so much on routine. As a result, anything new can be a problem for them. You need patience and consistency to give cats time to get comfortable with any changes, new people and new behaviors. With You With Another Cat With a Dog or Other Pet

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  • Socialization

    With People With Children and Infants With Multiple Dogs With Cats and Other Pets With People It is important to get your dog used to meeting new people from the youngest age possible. Some breeds are naturally sociable; others are reticent. You'll want your dog to be friendly without being

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  • Socialization

    With People Generally, rodents are sociable creatures with their own kind — and with people. But they do have to have a level of comfort with people before they can relax and have fun. Be sure to acclimate your small animals to anyone who will handle them. Give them time to become familiar with each

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Sample Vet Clinic


3010 Highland Parkway
Downers Grove, IL 60515